The founder of Guanglian Group was invited to attend the "2021 Macao Youth Innovation Forum"

Introduction: The "2021 Macao Youth Innovation Forum" jointly organized by Macao Scholars Development Association and Digital China Technology Alliance was successfully held in Macao on June 26. As a pioneer of Macao youth entrepreneurship in the Greater Bay Area and a representative of Macao technology enterprises, Huang Shufair, founder of Guanglian Group, was invited to attend the forum and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Thoughts and Prospects under the Integration of Aoqin".


The theme of this year's "2021 Macao Youth Innovation Forum" is "financial technology", which is in line with the exploration direction of Macao's future diversified economic development proposed by Chief Executive Mr. He Yicheng, and is of great significance to the current Macao youth or the future development of Macao. At the forum, several experts, scholars and business leaders were invited, and more than 200 participants were invited to discuss the two major directions of "the development and innovation of Macao's financial industry and the link between the country" and "the practice of the diversified development of Macao's technology and industry". At the same time, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the first year of the 14th Five-Year Plan, this forum will share new ideas, inspire new inspiration, and further help Macao youth pursue their dreams in the Greater Bay Area.


At the forum, Huang Shuzhan, founder of Guanglian Group, as one of the invited speakers, gave a wonderful speech titled "Thoughts and Prospects under the Integration of Aoqin" in combination with the current innovation construction in the Greater Bay Area and the development status of Macau's financial technology. First of all, he shared his entrepreneurial experience and the development process of Guanglian Group. As a native of Macao, Mr. Huang Shuzhan grasped the window of returning to the motherland and the Internet 20 years ago, and set up Guanglian Group. At present, the headquarters is located in Shenzhen, and has set up companies in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhuhai, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Macau, Taipei and other places, has become the industry's leading intelligent network communication solution provider, successfully serving more than 2,000 large and medium-sized enterprise customers.


Mr. Huang Shuzhan said that the global development of financial technology has been accelerating in recent years, and the application of new technologies is affecting people's lifestyles and promoting the pace of innovation and development of financial technology enterprises. Network communication, as the underlying foundation, is of great importance to the future development of fintech. Macao is one of the important central cities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the construction of diversified financial intelligent application scenarios in the future needs to be based on the construction of robust network links. However, the current communication environment and options in Macao are relatively common, and the cost of network communication for enterprises operating in Macao is high, and it is difficult to upgrade services and network operation and maintenance. However, the interconnection and information interaction between the bottom layer and everything is an inevitable prerequisite for the realization of all information construction, and communication technology also plays a crucial role in the future development trend of financial technology. Therefore, he proposed to build an "Internet exchange center" to help enterprises in the Bay Area and Macao achieve information exchange, and further realize the information construction of more scenarios in the future.


With the development of emerging technologies, 5G has become one of the important trends in the development of the financial industry. As a leading SD-WAN service provider and a senior enterprise network service provider deeply engaged in the communications field of the Greater Bay Area, Guanglian Group can provide customized communication solutions for the different network needs of the current Bay Area enterprises. At the same time, in response to the innovative development plan of the Greater Bay Area, Guanglink has launched 5G+SD-WAN financial industry solutions based on the four characteristics of 5G zero wiring, large bandwidth, low latency, and high concurrency, hoping to build a robust and agile financial communication network, further boost the Greater Bay Area technology and finance industry to reduce costs and increase efficiency, and accelerate the construction of intelligence and digitalization.


As a member of the Bay Area Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, Mr. Huang Shuzhan also said that embracing the Bay Area, based on the development of the integration of Qin and Macao, and actively participating in industry-university-research cooperation is one of the important strategic directions of Guanglian in recent years. Last year, the Group and UM Engineering Laboratory officially signed the "Optical Link Software Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) research Project Cooperation Agreement", which has been strongly supported by the Macao Science and Technology Development Foundation. This year, the company was invited by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology to participate in the preparation of the industry's first "SD-WAN Global Technology and Industrial Development" white paper, and actively converted experimental results and scientific research results into market results, which has been greatly recognized by the industry and further promoted the innovative integration of the Bay Area.
Under the current general trend of cooperation between Macao and Qin, Mr. Huang Shufair finally said that the return of Macao was an opportunity, and now the integration of Qin and Macao is an opportunity in a new stage. He hoped that young friends in Macao could seize this opportunity and take the initiative to seek greater development opportunities in the Greater Bay Area, so as to contribute to the high-level development of the science and technology innovation industry in the Bay Area.


In the future, with the continuous innovation and construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Guanglian will continue to help Macao enterprises achieve high-quality interconnection in the communication integration and innovation of the Greater Bay Area with better communication network services, jointly promote the digital Greater Bay Area, and contribute to the construction of innovative Macao.

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